
Yuk, Jadi Bagian dari #TemanSekantorch

TORCH menciptakan tim yang solid dengan atmosfer kerja yang mengasyikan agar dapat memberikan pelayanan dan produk terbaik.
Menjadi bagian dari #TemanSekantorch adalah sebuah pengalaman yang seru dan menyenangkan.

Webmaster (UI/UX, Shopify, JavaScript, Ruby)

Job Description:

We are seeking a highly skilled and creative Webmaster to join our team and take charge of managing our webstore. As the Webmaster, you will be responsible for enhancing the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of our webstore, optimizing its speed and functionality, and ensuring seamless development on the Shopify platform. You will collaborate with various stakeholders to revamp our webstore and create an exceptional online shopping experience for our customers.


- Oversee the design, layout, and functionality of our webstore to ensure a visually appealing and user-friendly experience.

- Implement improvements to the UI/UX, making data-driven decisions to enhance customer engagement and conversion rates.

- Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including marketing and development, to understand business requirements and align webstore functionalities accordingly.

- Troubleshoot and resolve any issues related to webstore performance, ensuring optimal speed, functionality, and compatibility across different devices and browsers.

- Utilize your strong logical thinking and problem-solving skills to identify and resolve errors or bugs in a timely manner.

- Stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices in web design, UI/UX, and e-commerce to suggest innovative ideas for continuous improvement.

- Provide support and guidance to the team regarding Shopify functionality and integrations.


- Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Web Design, or a related field (or equivalent experience).

- Proven experience as a Webmaster or similar role, with a strong portfolio showcasing your UI/UX expertise and successful webstore management.

- Proficiency in Shopify, including theme customization, app integrations, and performance optimization.

- Solid understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Ruby, with the ability to modify code as needed.

- Familiarity with Shopify Liquid, the templating language used in Shopify, for customizing themes and working with Shopify's data objects.

- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills to troubleshoot and resolve issues efficiently.

- Excellent attention to detail and ability to multitask in a fast-paced environment.

- Ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams and communicate technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders.

- Up-to-date knowledge of current web design trends, UI/UX best practices, and e-commerce industry standards.

- Strong organizational skills and ability to meet deadlines.

- Fast and lifelong learner is a must

If you are a talented Webmaster with a passion for UI/UX, e-commerce, and optimizing webstore performance, we would love to hear from you. Join our dynamic team and contribute to the success of our online business!J

Host Live Streamer (Surabaya, Karawaci, Makassar, Depok)


1. Usia maksimal 28 tahun.

2. Berpenampilan menarik dan percaya diri.

3. Memiliki kemampuan presenting di hadapan kamera dengan luwes.

4. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dalam menjelaskan sebuah produk dengan baik.

5. Instagram tidak di-private.

Head of Customer Relation Management

Job description

- Manage the overall customer experience and build strong relationships with customers to improve retention

and drive revenue growth.

- Develop and implement strategies to improve customer experience and satisfaction

- Manage customer support teams and ensure timely resolution of customer issues

- Work closely with other departments, such as sales and marketing, to develop and

execute customer retention and acquisition strategies

- Analyze customer data to identify trends and opportunities for improvement

- Develop and implement customer loyalty programs

- Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations and maintain accurate customer


- Communicate effectively with customers through various channels, including email,

social media, and phone


- At least 7-10 years of experience in customer service, marketing, or sales

- Strong leadership and management skills

- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

- Ability to analyze data and make data-driven decisions

- Knowledge of customer relationship management software and tools

- Familiarity with data privacy regulations

Torch Assistant for Traveling (Bandung, Surabaya, Karawaci, Makassar, Depok)

Job Description

1. Melayani konsumen.

2. Melakukan transaksi pembayaran.

3. Membantu konsumen dalam memilih produk dan memberikan konsumen edukasi tentang produk.

4. Memberikan penawaran pada konsumen mengenai promo yang sedang berlangsung.


1. Pria / Wanita

2. Maksimal berusia 30 tahun.

3. Pendidikan minimal SMA/sederajat.

4. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.

5. Aktif, jujur, inisiatif, teliti, dan bertanggung jawab.

6. Bersedia bekerja shift dan di hari libur.

Global Products Merchandiser

Job Overview

We are now on a hunt for a Global Product Merchandiser who plays a vital role in driving our fashion brand's success by ensuring that the product offerings are appealing, competitive, and aligned with the company's overall business strategy. The ability to analyze markets, develop merchandising strategies, and collaborate with various teams contributes to the brand's success in meeting customer demands across different regions is needed.

Job Role:

a. Market Analysis and Research:

• Conduct research to understand fashion trends, consumer preferences, and competitive landscapes.

• Monitor and analyze sales data, customer feedback, and market intelligence to inform product decisions.

b. Product Line Planning:

• Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including designers, buyers, and product developers, to create a cohesive product line that aligns with the brand's strategy

• Determine product assortment, styles, colors, and price points based on market insights and brand positioning.

c. Assortment Selection:

• Select and curate products from the collection to create a balanced assortment for different global markets and retail channels.

• Consider factors like seasonality, regional preferences, and target demographics.

d. Demand Forecasting:

• Use historical data and market insights to forecast demand for specific products and categories.

• Collaborate with inventory and supply chain teams to ensure adequate stock levels.

e. Margin Management:

• Work to optimize product margins by balancing product cost, pricing strategy, and promotional activities.

• Identify opportunities to increase profitability.

f. Visual Merchandising:

• Collaborate with visual merchandisers to develop in-store and online product presentation strategies.

• Ensure that products are showcased effectively to maximize sales and brand visibility.

g. Supplier and Vendor Management:

• Negotiate with suppliers and vendors to secure favorable terms, pricing, and quality standards.

• Manage relationships and coordinate product development processes.

h. Quality Control:

• Implement quality control procedures to maintain product quality standards and customer satisfaction.

• Address quality issues promptly and effectively.

i. Budget Management:

• Develop and manage budgets for product development, procurement, and merchandising activities.

• Monitor spending and make adjustments as needed to meet financial goals.

Job Qualification:

a. Bachelor's degree in Business, Merchandising, Management or a related field.

b. 2-5 years of experience in product merchandising or purchasing is preffered.

c. Fluent in English and Mandarin is a plus.

d. Strong analytical and strategic thinking skills.

Customer Service

Job Description

Memastikan bahwa masalah customer dapat teratasi.

Memberikan customer informasi mengenai produk dan service, order, cancel account, atau complaint melalui telephone, messenger, email.

Menghubungi customer untuk menjawab pertanyaan atau memberitahu tentang hasil penyelidikan klaim dan penyesuaian lainnya.

Menentukan biaya untuk layanan yang diminta, mengingatkan pembayaran, atau mengatur penagihan.


Pendidikan minimal SMA/sederajat.

Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.

Memiliki kemampuan administrasi yang baik.

Dapat bekerja sama dengan tim.

E-Commerce Executive

Job Description

1. Mampu mengoperasikan basic digital daily sales activities.

2. Memiliki inisiatif dan mengimplementasikan kegiatan sales.

3. Berkoordinasi dengan tim untuk memastikan strategi dan kegiatan berjalan dengan


4. Berkomunikasi dengan pihak ketiga.

5. Mengumpulkan data, insight, dan informasi untuk mengembangkan channel.

6. Menyusun laporan untuk evaluasi.


1. Familiar dengan penjualan secara online.

2. Memahami prinsip dasar operasi e-commerce.

3. Self-motivated dan menyukai tantangan.

4. Memiliki skill komunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik.

5. Fast learner.

6. Memiliki kemampuan analis.

7. Menguasai Microsoft Excel.

8. Detail-oriented and mampu berkembang dalam lingkungan kerja yang dinamis dan

serba cepat.

9. Dapat bekerja dengan tim.

Senior Graphic Designer

- S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual atau Multimedia.

- Minimal 2 tahun pengalaman kerja di bidang desain

- Pernah bekerja di perusahaan retail

- Memahami dan terbiasa mengerjakan desain untuk kebutuhan marketing

- Kuat dalam konsep dan komunikasi visual

- Bekerja cepat, terbiasa dalam tekanan dan deadline yg ketat

- Menguasai aplikasi serta software desain (terutama AI)

- Memiliki manajemen waktu yang baik dan dapat bekerja dalam organisasi/tim

- Memiliki inisiatif, kreativitas serta inovatif

- Mengikuti dan memahami tren terbaru, khususnya di dunia desain yang berkaitan dengan penjualan, komersial dan pemasaran

PIC Pop Up Store

Job Description

1. Mengkoordinir team untuk melakukan tugas sesuai dengan fungsi / jabatannya

2. Melakukan analisa atas kondisi market di area

3. Handling komplain / keluhan / kritik & lakukan follow up untuk walk in customer

4. Membuat dan mengembangkan strategi dengan ide-ide kreatif

5. Bertanggung jawab dalam pencapaian target penjualan Pop Up Store

6. Bertanggung jawab atas stok termasuk koordinasi dengan team logistic perihal stock

7. Mengawasi administrasi dan memastikan pekerjaan team Pop Up store sesuai dengan peraturan dan prosedur

8. Memiliki Analisa yang kuat untuk tren pembelian , dan melakukan benchmarking ke kompetitor

9. Mempersiapkan dan mengkoordinasikan segala persiapan untuk membuka Pop Up Store


1. Pria/Wanita usia maksimal 30 tahun

2. Pendidikan Minimal D3

3. Memiliki pengalaman kerja setingkat supervisor di bidang Retail Fashion

4. Memiliki passion dan ketertarikan di bidang Fashion

5. Bekerja secara rapi (struktur) dan teliti

6. Keterampilan kepemimpinan yang kuat dan orientasi bisnis

7. Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office ( Word, Excel )

8. Memiliki keterampilan manajemen pelanggan dan staf yang kuat serta keterampilan organisasi

9. Memiliki keterampilan komunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik

10. Memiliki sim C (menjadi nilai plus)

Merchandiser Assistant

Membutuhkan seseorang yang:

- Mempunyai pemikiran yang terbuka,

- Komunikatif dalam melayani pelanggan,

- Terbiasa dengan pemrosesan data & keterampilan analisis,

- Aktif di organisasi kampus dan mempunyai koneksi luas dengan kolega-koleganya,

- Mahir dalam bekerja, mengolah data dan mempresentasikan menggunakan Word, Excel dan Powerpoint.

- Mampu bekerja dengan tim Kantorch.

- Freshgraduates dipersilahkan melamar.

Pekerja dalam bidang ini akan membantu unitnya untuk menangani administrasi dan tindakan lanjutan antar unit kerja di dalam organisasi.

Crossborder Executive


1. Bertanggung jawab untuk membuat rencana terkait penjualan dan pemasaran tempat pasar lintas batas.

2. Menetapkan dan menyempurnakan aturan dan regulasi, pengaduan, dan menjembatani logistik dengan pihak terkait.

3. Berpikir kreatif untuk mencapai target penjualan. 

4. Mempelajari dan analisis pasar lintas batas.


1. Pendidikan minimal S1 berbagai jurusan.

2. Perhatian terhadap detail dan bertanggung jawab. 

3. Keterampilan manajemen proyek yang baik.

4. Kemampuan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris.

5. Keterampilan komunikasi dan koordinasi yang baik.

6. Cepat Belajar.

7. Memahami budaya Amerika lebih disukai.

8. Akrab dengan Amazon, Ebay, dan pasar global lainnya.

Sales O2O Supervisor (Retail)

Jobdesk :

- Berpartisipasi dalam strategi peluncuran toko untuk perusahaan.

- Mengatur dan memantau ketercapaian OKR

- Mengelola tim operator yang berkembang di beberapa lokasi.

- Mengawasi kinerja pegawai dalam kesehariannya agar sesuai dengan SOP yang berlaku

- Mengatur jadwal masuk kerja karyawan

- Mengidentifikasi masalah yang terkait dengan operasional dan karyawan serta memberikan solusi yang kreatif

- Berpikir kreatif dalam mencapai penjualan

Kualifikasi :

- Memiliki 3 tahun pengalaman yang berkaitan dengan retail

- Pengalaman min 1 tahun, baik toko OFFLINE dan toko ONLINE.

- Memahami pentingnya pelaporan berdasarkan hasil kinerja

- Dapat bekerja secara cepat dan tanggap serta dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan

- Dapat berkomunikasi dan menjadi pemimpin yang baik

- Mahir berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan

- Memiliki pengalaman kerja di perusahaan berkembang menjadi nilai tambah

- Memahami teknologi, komputer dan google sheet

- Memiliki motivasi yang kuat dalam mempelajari perkembangan industri.

- Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas.

Assistant Manager - E-Commerce

Job Description

Bertanggung jawab atas seluruh kegiatan penjualan online pada website dan platform online marketing lainnya.

Berkolaborasi dengan tim untuk eksekusi project e-commerce.

Membuat strategi penjualan dan promosi.

Memperluas dan memaksimalkan jangkauan penjualan, sehingga dapat meningkatkan penjualan (e-commerce, marketplace, dan social media).

Memastikan peningkatan serta pencapaian target penjualan setiap bulannya.

Bertanggung jawab atas tim online sales dalam rangka pencapaian target dari perusahaan.

Mempelajari dan menganalisis akan kondisi pasar dan kompetitor sehingga dapat merencanakan projeksi bisnis yang lebih baik kedepannya.


Minimal pendidikan S1 Pemasaran atau relevan.

Memiliki pengetahuan dan memahami Digital Marketing dan Digital Ads.

Menguasai strategi pemasaran khususnya pada situs resmi dan platform online marketing lainnya.

Memiliki komunikasi yang baik dan jiwa kepemimpinan.

Target oriented.

Disiplin, jujur, dan dapat bekerja dalam tim.

Pop Up Store Crew (Medan)

Job Description

1. Melayani konsumen.

2. Melakukan transaksi pembayaran.

3. Membantu konsumen dalam memilih produk dan memberikan konsumen edukasi tentang produk.

4. Memberikan penawaran pada konsumen mengenai promo yang sedang berlangsung.


1. Domisili Kota Medan

2. Maksimal berusia 30 tahun.

3. Pendidikan minimal SMA/sederajat.

4. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.

5. Aktif, jujur, inisiatif, teliti, dan bertanggung jawab.

6. Bersedia bekerja shift dan di hari libur.


Job Description

Mencari, mengembangkan, dan menjaga hubungan dengan partner.

Berkolaborasi dengan partner.

Melakukan identifikasi terhadap kesempatan bisnis untuk keberlangsungan perusahaan.

Membantu menjaga kepuasan partner sebagai rekan bisnis.

Membangun komunitas yang membantu meningkatkan citra brand

Bertanggung jawab, manage, dan bekerjasama dengan agency, vendor, media, freelance, influencer dan creator.


Pendidikan minimal S1 jurusan apapun.

Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi, mediator, dan persuasif.

Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan interpersonal skill.

Creative problem solver.

Ads Performance


- Pernah menjalankan iklan Facebook atau Google

- Memahami objective iklan dan funneling.

- Speak english.

Job desk

- Setup campaign di Facebook ads. 

- Evaluasi dan optimisasi performa campaign dari segi audience, format, placement, creative dsb. 

- Troubleshoot permasalahan yang terjadi di dashboard seperti pixel dan catalogue.

- Request dan QC konten iklan, bekerjasama dengan tim konten. 

- Melakukan dan menganalisa hasil A/B testing untuk menjadi bahan pertimbangan strategi campaign selanjutnya.

Quality Control

Job Description

- Melakukan kegiatan operasional quality control.

- Memonitor dan mempertahankan kualitas produksi.

- Memeriksa kualitas produk.

- Merekomendasikan penyesuaian pada proses produksi.Memeriksa, menguji, atau mengukur bahan atau produk yang diproduksi.

- Membuat keputusan terhadap produk yang sudah diproduksi sebelum dipasarkan.

- Membuat Pembukuan Personal QC / QCA.


- Minimal pendidikan D3.

- Usia maksimal 35 tahun.

- Dapat mengoperasikan komputer (Microsoft Office).

- Dapat bekerja dengan tim.

- Memiliki pengalaman sebagai QC diutamakan.


Job Description

- Membuat copywriting yang persuasif untuk all chanell (website dan marketplace)

- Research mengenai trend dan hastag pada sosial media.

- Membuat perencanaan konten social media Instagram

- Mendesign alur landing page per katalog bekerjasama dengan Chief of Designer dan Backend Website

- Mendesign alur homepage bekerjasama dengan Chief of Designer dan Backend Website

- Membuat email marketing dan qontak whatsapp

- Membuat deskripsi produk.


- Kreatif dan proaktif.

- Social media savvy.

- Pernah bekerja di creative industry akan lebih disukai.

- Memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan yang luas, dan up to date.

- Aktif di sosial media dan mengikuti tren terkini.

- Memiliki attitude yang baik dan mampu bekerja dalam tim.

Content Creator

Job Description

-Membuat konten video untuk kebutuhan marketing pada beberapa platform sosia media, seperti facebook, instagram, tiktok, dll.

-Research mengenai trend dan hastag pada sosial media.

-Mempelajari produk dan fitur produk untuk di promosikan di sosial media.

-Mengelola dan membuat perencanaan konten untuk mendorong traffic dan meningkatkan value perusahaan .


-Maksimal berusia 30 tahun.

-Latar belakang pendidikan S1 Seni, Komunikasi, dan yang relevan.

-Pernah bekerja di creative industry akan lebih disukai.

-Memiliki kemampuan untuk membangun engagement sosial media.

-Memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan yang luas, dan up to date.


- Aktif di sosial media dan mengikuti tren terkini.

-Memiliki attitude yang baik dan mampu bekerja dalam tim.

Finance Accounting Officer

Job Description

-Membuat dan memproses invoice.

-Memeriksa ulang antara invoice dengan pembayaran dan pengeluaran.

-Menjaga hubungan dengan klien.

-Mengelola hutang dan piutang perusahaan.


-Minimal pendidikan S1 Akuntansi atau yang relevan.

-Memiliki kemampuan menggunakan Microsoft Excel.

-Memahami dan mengawasi pembukuan perusahaan.

-Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.

-Detail oriented dan teliti.

Creative Content Strategist


Melakukan penelitian mendalam untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan mendalam tentang persona audiens.

Menyusun content strategy untuk brand perusahaan secara keseluruhan.

Membuat spesifikasi konten yang sesuai untuk target audiens berdasarkan platform media sosial.

Membuat dan controlling aturan agar konten dapat memiliki tema yang sama di berbagai platform.

Membuat kalender editorial media sosial dan memeriksa analytics dari setiap platform media sosial.

Memastikan bahwa strategi konten memenuhi tujuan perusahaan.


Memiliki kemampuan analytical.

Memiliki kemampuan copywriting.

Memiliki pengalaman di creative industry akan lebih disukai.

Mengikuti tren terkini.

Dapat bekerjasama dengan tim dalam fast paced environtment.

Video Creator

Job Description

Membuat konten video untuk kebutuhan brand pada beberapa platform sosia media, seperti facebook, instagram, tiktok, dll.

Research mengenai trend dan hastag pada sosial media.

Mempelajari produk dan fitur produk untuk di promosikan di sosial media.

Mengelola dan membuat perencanaan konten untuk mendorong _traffic_dan meningkatkan value .

Bertugas mengedit video dalam hal ini dalam proses Cut-to-cut, compose footage, Clear Sound Simple dengan menggunakan materi yang telah tersedia.

Bertanggung jawab atas hasil editing video.

Memproduksi, merekam dan mengedit berbagai jenis video.


Latar belakang pendidikan S1 Seni, Komunikasi, dan yang relevan.

Pernah bekerja di creative industry akan lebih disukai.

Memiliki kemampuan untuk membangun engagement sosial media.

Memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan yang luas, dan up to date.

Aktif di sosial media dan mengikuti tren terkini.

Mampu mengoperasikan Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effect, ataupun DaVinci Resolve.

Memiliki attitude yang baik dan mampu bekerja dalam tim secara fast paced environment.

Data Analyst

Job Overview:

We are currently seeking a driven Data Analyst to join our team. The selected candidate will possess the ability to translate raw data into valuable insights, enabling informed business decisions. Working across diverse departments, including stock and inventory, as well as sales and marketing, this role plays a pivotal role in enhancing our data-driven operations.

Role and Responsibilities:

- Interpret and analyze data using advanced statistical methods.

- Design and implement effective data analysis strategies and collection systems for optimal statistical accuracy and quality.

- Execute data cleansing and Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) processes.

- Develop data visualizations using advanced Power BI capabilities.

- Collaborate with management to prioritize information needs and align with business objectives.

- Identify and define opportunities for process enhancements and optimization.

Requirements (Technical and Interpersonal):

- Profound expertise in mathematical, statistical, and analytical thinking (essential).

- Proficiency in spreadsheet applications, including intermediate-level Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets skills (essential).

- Strong command of data visualization tools, including Power BI (DAX, Power Query) and Looker Data Studio.

- Familiarity with SQL Server databases.

- Proficient in programming language, particularly Python.

- Exceptional problem-solving skills.

- Meticulous attention to detail and accuracy.

- Skilled in query formulation, report generation, and presentation creation.

- Effective team collaborator and team player.

- Excellent verbal and written communication skills, with a strong command of English being advantageous.

- Exceptional communication and presentation abilities.

- Entry-level candidates are welcome; however, proven experience in data analysis is advantageous.

- Prior experience in retail or fashion sectors is a plus.

- Bonus points for involvement in Machine Learning projects such as Recommender Systems, RFM Segmentation, and Time-Series Forecasting.

- A commitment to continuous learning is mandatory.

Store Activation Officer


-Store Planning: Collaborate with the design and construction teams to plan the layout, visual merchandising, and overall store ambiance to align with the brand's image and target customer base.

-Project Management: Oversee the entire store activation process, including timelines, budgets, and resources, to ensure the project stays on track and is completed within the defined parameters.

-Visual Merchandising: Work closely with the visual merchandising team to create eye-catching displays and store setups that attract customers and maximize sales potential.

-Marketing and Promotions: Coordinate with the marketing team to implement promotional campaigns, advertising materials, and events to generate buzz and attract customers during the store's launch phase.

-Training and Staffing: Ensure that store staff members are properly trained and equipped to deliver exceptional customer service and represent the brand effectively.

-Inventory Management: Coordinate with the inventory team to ensure that the store is stocked with the right products and that inventory levels are sufficient to meet customer demand.

-Post-Launch Evaluation: Monitor store performance after the launch and analyze sales data, customer feedback, and other metrics to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary changes.


-Education: A bachelor's degree in business administration, marketing, retail management, or a related field is often required.

-Retail Experience: Prior experience in retail operations, store management, or visual merchandising is valuable for understanding the intricacies of store operations and customer preferences.

-Project Management Skills: Strong project management skills are essential to handle multiple tasks, set timelines, and coordinate various teams effectively.

-Communication and Collaboration: Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are crucial for working with cross-functional teams, store staff, and external vendors.

-Creativity: A creative mindset is beneficial for designing appealing store layouts and visual merchandising displays.

-Analytical Abilities: Being able to analyze sales data and customer feedback helps in making data-driven decisions for store improvements.

-Flexibility and Adaptability: Retail environments can be dynamic and fast-paced, so the ability to adapt to changes and handle unexpected challenges is vital. 

Talent Acquisition Officer

Deskripsi Pekerjaan:

- Sourcing Bakat: Mengidentifikasi sumber-sumber bakat potensial, seperti job boards, media sosial, alumni, pameran karir, dan agensi rekrutmen.

- Seleksi Kandidat: Menilai lamaran dan menyaring calon karyawan yang sesuai dengan persyaratan dan kualifikasi pekerjaan yang ada.

- Wawancara: Melakukan wawancara dengan calon karyawan untuk mengevaluasi kualifikasi, keterampilan, pengalaman, dan kultur perusahaan.

- Proses Seleksi: Mengoordinasikan dan memfasilitasi proses seleksi, termasuk uji kompetensi, tes psikologis, dan tanya jawab dengan tim manajemen.

- Penawaran Kerja: Menyusun penawaran kerja dan bernegosiasi dengan calon karyawan tentang paket kompensasi dan tunjangan.

- Onboarding: Membantu proses orientasi dan onboarding bagi karyawan baru untuk memastikan transisi yang mulus ke dalam perusahaan.

- Mengelola Pusat Karir: Memperbarui dan mengelola situs web karir perusahaan dan platform rekrutmen untuk menarik calon bakat.

- Pelaporan dan Analisis: Memonitor dan melacak metrik rekrutmen, menghasilkan laporan tentang hasil rekrutmen, dan menyampaikan analisis tentang efektivitas strategi rekrutmen.


- Pendidikan: Gelar sarjana di bidang Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM), Psikologi, Manajemen Bisnis, atau bidang terkait.

- Pengalaman: Pengalaman kerja sebelumnya dalam rekrutmen, seleksi, atau peran terkait SDM merupakan nilai tambah.

- Kemampuan Komunikasi: Kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan baik, baik secara lisan maupun tulisan, untuk berinteraksi dengan calon karyawan dan tim internal.

- Kemampuan Penyelesaian Masalah: Kemampuan dalam mengidentifikasi tantangan rekrutmen dan menemukan solusi untuk menarik bakat terbaik.

- Kemampuan Beradaptasi: Kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungan kerja yang dinamis dan berubah dengan cepat.

- Keterampilan Interpersonal: Kemampuan untuk berkolaborasi dengan berbagai tim dan membangun hubungan kerja yang baik.

- Pengetahuan tentang Hukum Ketenagakerjaan: Memahami peraturan ketenagakerjaan dan kebijakan perusahaan terkait rekrutmen dan perekrutan karyawan.

- Kemampuan Berorientasi pada Detil: Ketelitian dalam memilih kandidat dan menjalankan proses rekrutmen.

- Kemampuan Multitugas: Kemampuan untuk mengelola beberapa rekrutmen sekaligus dengan mengatur waktu dengan efisien.

SEO Specialist

Deskripsi pekerjaan:

- Penelitian Kata Kunci: Mengidentifikasi kata kunci yang relevan dan berpotensi tinggi untuk situs web perusahaan, serta menganalisis persaingan dan tren industri terkini.

- Optimasi Konten: Mengoptimalkan konten situs web, seperti artikel blog, halaman produk, dan deskripsi, dengan menggunakan kata kunci yang relevan dan strategi SEO terbaik.

- Optimasi Teknis: Menerapkan perbaikan teknis di situs web, seperti kecepatan pemuatan halaman, struktur URL, tag meta, dan sitemap, untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan keramahan mesin pencari.

- Link Building: Membangun dan mengelola profil backlink yang sehat dengan mendapatkan tautan berkualitas dari situs web lain, meningkatkan otoritas dan kredibilitas situs web.

- Menganalisis Kinerja: Melakukan analisis kinerja situs web menggunakan alat analisis web dan platform SEO untuk melacak perkembangan peringkat, lalu lintas, dan metrik kunci lainnya.

- Penyusunan Laporan: Menyusun laporan rutin tentang kinerja SEO, tren, dan rekomendasi untuk perbaikan lebih lanjut.

- Pemantauan Perkembangan Industri: Tetap up-to-date dengan perubahan algoritma mesin pencari dan tren SEO terbaru untuk tetap relevan dan efektif.


- Pengetahuan SEO: Memiliki pemahaman mendalam tentang teknik dan praktik SEO termasuk strategi optimasi konten, tautan balik, analisis kata kunci, dan faktor-faktor teknis.

- Pemahaman Alat SEO: Berpengalaman dalam menggunakan alat analisis web seperti Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Ahrefs, SEMrush, atau alat SEO lainnya.

- Keterampilan Analitis: Kemampuan untuk menganalisis data, mengidentifikasi tren, dan mengambil tindakan berdasarkan informasi tersebut untuk meningkatkan kinerja SEO.

- Kemampuan Teknis: Memahami konsep teknis seperti struktur URL, pemuatan halaman, kode HTML, dan pengaturan teknis lainnya yang relevan untuk SEO.

- Kreativitas: Kemampuan untuk menciptakan konten yang menarik, informatif, dan dioptimalkan untuk mesin pencari dan pengguna.

- Kemampuan Penelitian: Mampu melakukan penelitian pasar dan persaingan untuk mengidentifikasi peluang dan memahami perilaku target audiens.

- Kemampuan Beradaptasi: Dalam dunia SEO, perubahan algoritma dan tren dapat terjadi dengan cepat, sehingga seorang SEO Specialist harus dapat beradaptasi dengan cepat dan merespons perubahan tersebut.

- Kemampuan Komunikasi: Dalam banyak kasus, SEO Specialist perlu berkomunikasi dengan tim internal maupun klien untuk menjelaskan strategi, hasil, dan rekomendasi.

- Pengalaman: Pengalaman kerja sebelumnya sebagai SEO Specialist atau di bidang terkait SEO adalah nilai tambah.

Finance Controller Supervisor

Job Overview

We are currently looking for a Finance Controller Supervisor to join our team. This role is responsible for overseeing and managing the financial activities, reporting, compliance, and strategic financial planning within the company. The Finance Controller Supervisor plays a vital role in ensuring financial stability, accuracy, and integrity while providing leadership and guidance to a team of financial analysts or controllers.

Job Role

- Monitoring and evaluating monthly financial reports

- Design, coordinate, and evaluate administrative finance policy

- Review the realization of the company's work periodically or routinely

- Monitor and control operational expenses

- Carry out field audits

- Update data on events that may pose potential risks to the company and report it immediately to management

- Keep track of emerging financial difficulties

- Examining the audit report

Job Qualifications

- Preferably have at least 4-5 years of experience in the similar industry/field

- Excellent skills in making decision linked to the company's finances (cash turnover/cash flow)

- Having the knowledge and competency in effective financial management

- Strong knowledge and research skills on all finance and accounting issuses

PIC Live Stream (Lazada)

Job Overview

The role of a PIC Live Stream (Lazada) is to manage and facilitate live streaming events on an online marketplace platform (Lazada). This position is crucial for connecting sellers, products, and customers in real-time through engaging and interactive live streams. The PIC Live Streamer ensures that the live streaming events run smoothly, creating a positive shopping experience for viewers while maximizing sales opportunities for sellers.

Job Role

- Live Streaming Event Planning: Coordinate and plan live streaming events, including scheduling, selecting participating live streamer, and defining product showcases.

- Live Streamer Management: Identify and onboard live streamer interested in participating in live stream events. Provide guidance and support to live streamer regarding product presentation and live stream best practices.

- Content Creation: Create compelling live stream content, including product demonstrations, promotions, and interactive elements to engage viewers.

- Technical Setup: Oversee the technical setup for live streaming events, including camera equipment, lighting, sound, and streaming software. Ensure a seamless broadcast experience.

- Sales Support: Facilitate sales during live streams, such as providing product links, discounts, and purchase instructions to viewers. Track and report sales metrics.

- Feedback Collection: Gather feedback to improve future live stream events and enhance the overall shopping experience.

- Marketing Collaboration: Collaborate with the marketing team to promote upcoming live stream events (such as Tanggal Kembar, Pay Day Event, etc) through various channels, including social media, email, and website announcements.

- Analytics and Reporting: Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) for live stream events, such as viewership, engagement, and sales data. Provide regular reports to evaluate the success of each event.

- Troubleshooting: Address technical issues, handle unexpected situations, and ensure a high-quality live streaming experience.

Job Qualifications:

- Preferably have at least >1 year of experience in Lazada, Tiktok, or other marketplace live stream.

- Effective time management and attention to detail to coordinate live stream events successfully.

- Strong analytical skills.

- Experienced in creating promotional strategy for live streaming sales events, such as Tanggal Kembar, Pay Day Event, etc.

- Capability to engage with marketplace management and present live stream sales data

- Have strong leadership skills to supervise live streams.

Junior Product Designer (Bag/Accessories Design)

Job Overview

We are looking for people who are enthusiastic about designing appealing, inventive, and functional bags or accessories. As a Junior Product Designer (Bag/Accessories Design), you will be a vital component of our product design team, focused on developing and designing creative and functional bag (such as backpacks, wasit bag) or accessories. You will be collaborating with the design team, sample makers, and other departments to create high-quality goods that satisfy the needs and expectations of our clients. If you have a passion for defining trends through your design work and wish to be part of a dynamic team, this is the place you have been searching for!

Job Role:

- Develop creative design concepts for bags (such as backpacks, wasit bags) or accessories (such as wallet, keychain, etc) based on in-depth understanding of the latest fashion trends and market needs.

- Utilise ergonomics, function, and aesthetics knowledge in product design to ensure optimal comfort and visually.

- Collaborate with the sample maker team to ensure the design is technically feasible and meets production specifications.

- Present design concepts to multidisciplinary teams effectively and evaluate the feedbacks for further development.

- Stay current on industry developments, technology, and materials to keep products competitive and relevant.

- Participate in brainstorming sessions and collaborative meetings to develop innovative solutions to design difficulties.

Job Qualifications

- A bachelor's degree or equivalent in Product Design, Industrial Design, or a related discipline is preferred.

- At least 1-3 years of expertise designing bags, accessories, or related products is preferred (fresh graduates are welcomed to apply).

- Proficient in design software such as Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop, and so on).

- Solid knowledge of design principles, colours, forms, and composition.

- Skilled hand sketches, knowledge of accessories materials, especially textiles, and sewing techniques are preferred.

- High levels of creativity and the ability to think beyond the box.

- Excellent communication and presentation skills for explaining and defending design concepts.

- Being able to collaborate across disciplines and work in varied teams.

Product Developer Assisstan

Job Overview

TORCH is now looking for someone who can play a crucial role in supporting the Design and Product Vevelopment teams. This role involves administrative tasks related to the creation and production of fashion products, ensuring the smooth flow of information, materials, and processes to meet design and development objectives.

Job Role

- Documentation and Record Keeping: Maintain accurate records of design concepts, product specifications, samples, revision, and prototypes. Organize and manage digital and physical design files.

- Communication Facilitation: Act as a liaison between design and development teams, facilitating effective communication. Relay design changes, updates, and feedback between teams.

- Sample Coordination: Coordinate the creation and tracking of product samples. Ensure that samples are developed in line with design specifications and timelines.

- Sourcing and Procurement: Assist in sourcing materials, trims, and components required for product development. Collaborate with suppliers and vendors to ensure timely delivery of materials.

- Production Support: Support the transition from design to production by providing necessary documentation and information to manufacturing teams. Help resolve any design-related issues during production.

- Calendar Management: Manage project timelines and calendars to ensure that design and development milestones are met. Alert teams to any potential delays or bottlenecks.

- Budget Tracking: Monitor and track expenses related to design and development projects. Assist in maintaining budgets and cost control measures.

- Quality Control: Participate in quality control processes to ensure that final products meet design specifications and brand standards.

- Product Data Management: Enter and maintain product data, specifications, and attributes in relevant systems or databases.

- Cross-functional Collaboration: Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including merchandising, marketing, and sales, to ensure that product development aligns with market demand and brand strategy.

- Market Research: Assist in conducting research on fashion trends, materials, and technologies to support the design and development decision-making process.

- Vendor and Supplier Relations: Build and maintain positive relationships with suppliers and vendors, negotiating terms and resolving issues as needed.

Job Qualifications:

- Experience: Previous experience in a similar role within the fashion industry or product development is advantageous.

- Organizational Skills: Strong organizational skills to manage multiple projects, deadlines, and documentation efficiently.

- Communication: Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, for effective coordination and information exchange between teams and external partners.

- Attention to Detail: A keen eye for detail is crucial to ensure that product specifications are accurately followed.

- Computer Proficiency: Proficiency in using design and product development software, as well as standard office software (e.g., Microsoft Office).

- Fashion Knowledge: A good understanding of fashion trends, fabrics, garment construction, and product development processes.

- Problem-Solving: The ability to identify and resolve issues that may arise during the design and development process.

Team Player: Collaborative mindset and the ability to work effectively as part of a cross-functional team.

Senior Product Designer (Bag Design)

Job Overview

We are looking for people who are enthusiastic about designing appealing, inventive, and functional bags. As a Senior Product Designer (Bag Design), you will be a vital component of our product design team, focused on developing and designing creative and functional bags such as backpacks and waist bags. You will be collaborating with the design team, sample makers, and other departments to create high-quality goods that satisfy the needs and expectations of our clients. If you have a passion for defining trends through your design work and wish to be part of a dynamic team, this is the place you have been searching for!

Job Role:

- Design Leadership: Lead and mentor a team of product designers and collaborate closely with cross-functional teams, including merchandising, marketing, and production, to align product designs with brand objectives.

- Market Research: Stay informed about current fashion trends, consumer preferences, and industry developments. Conduct market research to identify opportunities and insights for product design.

- Conceptualization: Generate innovative and creative product concepts that resonate with the target audience and align with the brand's identity.

- Design Development: Oversee the entire product design process, from sketching and concept development to creating detailed technical drawings and specifications.

- Material and Fabric Selection: Collaborate with the sourcing team to choose appropriate materials and fabrics that align with design concepts and quality standards.

- Prototype and Sample Review: Review and provide feedback on product prototypes and samples to ensure they meet design specifications, fit, and quality standards.

- Collaboration: Work closely with pattern makers, garment technicians, and production teams to translate designs into final products efficiently.

- Trend Forecasting: Anticipate and forecast fashion trends to ensure that products remain relevant and appealing to consumers.

- Quality Assurance: Establish and maintain quality control processes to ensure that final products meet design specifications, fit well, and maintain the desired aesthetic.

- Budget Management: Collaborate with the merchandising team to manage product development budgets effectively.

- Technology Integration: Stay updated on fashion design software and tools to enhance design processes and communication.

- Brand Consistency: Ensure that all product designs maintain brand consistency and contribute to a cohesive brand image.

Job Qualification:

- A bachelor's degree or equivalent in Product Design, Industrial Design, or a related discipline is preferred.

- At least 3 years of expertise designing bags or related products is preferred

- Proficient in design software such as Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop, and so on).

- Solid knowledge of design principles, colours, forms, and composition.

- Skilled hand sketches, knowledge of bag materials, especially textiles, and sewing techniques are preferred.

- High levels of creativity and the ability to think beyond the box.

- High levels of initiative and the ability to propose numerous concepts/ideas.

- Strong analytical, leadership, and team management skills.

- Excellent communication and presentation skills for explaining and defending design concepts.

- Being able to collaborate across disciplines and work in varied teams

Talent Management Officer

Job Overview:

We are on the hunt for a passionate Talent Management Officer! A Talent Management Officer plays a crucial role in an organization's human resources and talent management functions. Their primary responsibility is to attract, develop, and retain top talent within the company by nurturing and developing a skilled and engaged workforce, which is essential for an organization's long-term success.

Job Role:

- Employee Development: Create and implement employee development programs, identify skill gaps and training needs within the organization, coordinate training sessions, workshops, and mentoring programs, monitor and track employee progress and development.

- Performance Management: Develop and implement performance management systems and processes, conduct performance appraisals and provide constructive feedback to employees, work with managers to establish performance improvement plans when necessary, recognize and reward high-performing employees.

- Succession Planning: Identify potential future leaders within the organization, develop succession plans to ensure a pipeline of talent for key roles, implement talent development initiatives to prepare individuals for leadership positions.

- Employee Engagement: Monitor employee engagement levels and gather feedback, implement initiatives to improve employee satisfaction and morale, address employee concerns and promote a positive work culture.

- Data Analysis and Reporting: Collect and analyze HR data related to talent management, generate reports and provide insights to support decision-making, use data to identify trends and areas for improvement.

- Talent Retention: Develop strategies to retain top talent and reduce turnover, conduct exit interviews to gather feedback from departing employees, implement retention initiatives such as career development opportunities and benefits programs.

- Collaboration and Communication: Work closely with HR colleagues, managers, and executives to align talent management strategies with organizational goals, communicate talent management initiatives and programs to employees.

- Continuous Improvement: Stay updated on industry best practices and trends in talent management, continuously assess and improve talent management processes and practices within the organization.

Job Qualifications:

- Educational Background: A bachelor's degree in Human Resources Management, Business Administration, Psychology, Organizational Development, or a related field.

- Professional Experience: Prior experience in human resources, talent management, or a related HR function (2-5 years of experience is preferred)

- Talent Management Expertise: Strong understanding of talent management principles and practices, including learning and development, performance management, and succession planning

- Skills and Abilities: Strong communication, analytical, problem solving, organization, and interpersonal skills

- Passion in Talent Management: A genuine interest in helping employees grow and succeed within the organization

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